Help sustain our critical work with children, by donating to our Corpus Fund!
Thank you for visiting this page which presents a very special appeal.
Sri Arunodayam is one among very few homes in India that actually harbor abandoned children with disabilities. Most homes act as day care centers that are funded by parents. We, on the other hand, assume life-long responsibility for these children, providing them a permanent and safe shelter, medical aid, nutritious diets and complete rehabilitation services such as special education, physiotherapy and vocational training.
We are, therefore, solely dependent on Government funding and the generosity of corporate and individual donors such as yourself to keep our organization running, especially as all services provided to beneficiaries are free. Long-term sponsorship provides us with a certain degree of stability in terms of running our projects with the least amount of interruption.
To sustain our work in times of crisis, we recently established our Corpus Fund.
Sri Arunodayam’s Corpus Fund
Running an NGO is no easy matter – especially one like ours that provides life-long care and support to abandoned children with intellectual disabilities. For over 17 years we have transformed the lives of hundreds of abandoned children, together with the help of kind donors. Now, you are presented with an opportunity to do the same!
To strengthen our financial resilience in times of crisis, we have established a permanent/capital fund called the Corpus Fund. It is different from every other type of donation or sponsorship as its sole purpose will come into play only in times of emergency. A corpus fund cannot be utilized of itself, but the interest earned on it allows an organization to run its most essential programs without interruption. By donating to this endowment, you ensure that our organization can sustain in the critical hour of need. In essence, our children will have a permanent home (thanks to you!) no matter how desperate times may get.
Donation Guidelines
[All donations are tax exempted]
Should you decide to donate to this fund, please follow these simple guidelines:
- Cheques must be made in favor of: “Sri Arunodayam Charitable Trust”
- As a mandatory legal requirement, we will need your written consent stipulating that your donation is specifically meant for the corpus of our organization. You may download, complete and post the Consent Form, to comply with this requirement.
- To donate by Wire Transfer (Domestic or International) click here for our Bank account information.
- To donate online via a secure server using industry-standard SSL (secure socket layer) technology, click here.
- For more information, contact:
You now have the power in your hands to ensure that Sri Arunodayam continues to safeguard these precious children while reaching out to more – making the world a safer and better place for them!
Sri Arunodayam’s Board of Trustees establish our Corpus Fund on July 18, 2019

At all times, the Board of Trustees will be accountable for these donations, and will provide the required receipts and reports.
Even when you choose to contribute online, please fill in and send us the Consent Form for our records.