Working with Kalu

"The difference between a broken community and a thriving one is the presence of women who are valued.” - Michelle Obama

The veracity of this statement is proven in the world today. Look around and see where there is war and destruction, suffering, brokenness and pain, and you’ll realize that the women in these places are ignored, subjugated, abused and oppressed. They aren’t valued. It’s as if they don’t exist! There are communities, and even countries, which never seem to hearken to the voice of their women or value their wisdom and are paying a heavy price for it. Being the cornerstone of their families, when women are subject to social conditions and cultural norms that limit their potential, entire communities are affected, even broken.

Over 100 years of celebrating Women’s Day and there’s still so much that needs to be changed in our world! Gigantic strides in the realm of technology aside, we choose to ignore basic truths. Here’s something to think about.


Celebrating the women at Sri Arunodayam

We held our Women’s Day celebrations on the 10th of March, focusing the spotlight on all the women in our lives - not just those that are open inspirations but also those working silently behind the scenes. Celebrations often involuntarily make us prize 'achievement' over anything else. We forget 'value'.

So, our celebration this year brought to the fore key people whose valuable service has remained concealed, such as our longstanding staff and women benefactors including an active 85-year-old who continues in social service oblivious of her age! These women are inspirational because they remain steadfast in service despite the difficulties they face in their own lives.


85-year-old Gokila, still active in social service!

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Prof. Bharathi Sethumadavan, cancer survivor

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Sarojini Rengasamy, supporter since 2003


Sharing a meal at our Women's Day celebrations.

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Our trusted staff - we owe them a debt of gratitude!


Reaching them young!

Intellectual disability is caused by many factors, some well-known and some not so well-known. Because the issue is rarely ever discussed in the open, the stigma and fear remain. Raising a child with intellectual disabilities requires tremendous emotional, mental, and physical strength, and parents find themselves exhausted with the medical, caregiving, and educational responsibilities they must shoulder. The most predominant emotion they struggle with is guilt, because they feel they have somehow caused their child’s disability, which might well be true in consanguineous marriages.

Since January this year, around 1000 youngsters from schools, colleges, and organizations across the city visited our home. One of the ways we do our bit to spread awareness is to provide these young people with the right information on intellectual disability through interactive sessions, internships and presentations. Sensitized through these programs, they will likely make wiser life choices and create a society that is more inclusive for the differently abled.

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Good Shepherd School children at our home

Internship 1

Internship classes for youngsters

Internship 2

Volunteers from Udhavi, Anna Nagar

singapenney volunteers

Volunteers from Singapenney, Indira Nagar


Visit our website for the latest news and sponsorship options.

Sri Arunodayam is a secular organization with zero tolerance for discrimination against children regardless of religion, caste, race, ethnicity, disability or gender.


Sri Arunodayam Charitable Trust
Tel: 91-44-26511450; Mobile: 91-9444915803

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